Small Sided Games Program.(SSG): involves a group of eight or more players. The SSG model will help players develop quicker, by allowing for more touches on the ball, focus on individual skills (dribbling/passing/receiving/shooting), increase speed of decision-making skills, and positional development (offense/defense). This program is essential for developing the technical attributes, tactical knowledge, creativity as well as the physical conditioning that is necessary in player development within the game.
2024/2025 Winter Schedule
Small Sided Games will take place on Thursday evenings, starting in late December located
@ Wide World of Indoor Sports (2 Sachatello Industrial Drive, Oakdale, CT 06370)
Winter Session 1 : Dates coming soon!
Winter Session 2 : Dates coming soon!
SSG 5:00-5:55PM
Ages (by Birth Year):
B/G: 2016-2015 | B/G: 2014-2013 | B/G: 2012-2011
Fee: $95.00
SSG - Program overview:
Our Small Sided Games program will be in a 3v3 or 4v4 format. At the beginning of each session/week, players will be divided into teams which provides the opportunity to play with different players through the duration of the program. Coaches will be on site to supervise but will not provide instruction.
The focus of this program is to allow for more touches on the ball as well as to promote decision making, confidence, and leadership without formal instruction. View details and rules below.
SSG Details:
SSG Rules:
*Rules are subject to change by the discretion of the Program Director.
Our Small Sided Games program will be in a 3v3 or 4v4 format. At the beginning of each session/week, players will be divided into teams which provides the opportunity to play with different players through the duration of the program. Coaches will be on site to supervise but will not provide instruction.
The focus of this program is to allow for more touches on the ball as well as to promote decision making, confidence, and leadership without formal instruction. View details and rules below.
SSG Details:
- Team size: 3-6 players (free substitute during play)
- Length of game: 10-12 minutes
- Games per session: 3-4 games
SSG Rules:
- Goal scoring: a goal may be scored from a touch on the offensive half on the playing field.
- No offsides in 3v3 soccer and no slide tackling.
- Five-yard rule: in all dead ball situations, defending players must stand five yards away from the ball. If the defensive player’s goal area is closer than five yards, the ball is placed five yards from the goal area in line with the place of the penalty.
- Kick-ins: the ball shall be kicked in to play from the sideline instead of thrown in.
- Indirect kicks: all dead ball kicks (kick-ins, free kicks, kick-offs) are indirect except corner and penalty kicks.
- GOAL BOX: is directly in front of the goal. No player may touch the ball within the goal box, however any player may move through the goal box. Any part of the ball or player’s body on the line is considered in the goal box; the player is an extension of the box. An INFRACTION occurs if a defender touches the ball in the goal box, a penalty kick is awarded to the offensive team. If an offensive player touches the ball within the goal box, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team. If the ball comes to a complete stop in the goal box, regardless of which team touched it last, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team.
- Goal kicks: may be taken from any point on the end line, and not in the goal box area.
- Kick off: may be taken in any direction.
*Rules are subject to change by the discretion of the Program Director.